Constitution and By-Laws

The British Columbia Honey Producers’ Association shall be a not for profit society primarily funded by its membership.

The purpose of The British Columbia Honey Producers’ Association is to further beekeeping in British Columbia by:

  1. Promoting and encouraging the keeping of bees using best management practices to ensure the health of bees and beekeepers within our province.
  2. Disseminating reliable and practical information of interest to beekeepers
  3. Providing educational opportunities for its members
  4. Generating and administering funds for the Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Trust Fund to expand knowledge about bees and their management, particularly at the college and university level, and to assist in funding students in the pursuit of higher education and scientific studies, for the betterment of beekeeping.
  5. Promoting public knowledge of beekeeping through a variety of activities such as education programs, exhibitions, seminars and web-based information and sponsorship through both sponsorship and offering of beekeeping instruction.
  6. Promoting the role of bees in agricultural pollination.
  7. Representing the interests of British Columbia beekeepers to the provincial and federal governments and the Canadian Honey Council.
  8. Providing forums for debate, information exchange, collaboration and fellowship among its members.

Bylaw 1. Definitions
Bylaw 2. Location
Bylaw 3. Membership
Bylaw 4. Fees
Bylaw 5. Voting
Bylaw 6. Branches
Bylaw 7. Affiliated Associations
Bylaw 8. BCHPA Table Officers
Bylaw 9. Election of BCHPA Table Officers
Bylaw 10. BCHPA Table Officers Duties                                                 
Bylaw 11. BCHPA Executive
Bylaw 12. The BHW Trust Fund
Bylaw 13. Procedures
Bylaw 14. Changes to the Constitution, Bylaws or Procedures
Bylaw 15. Borrowing Powers Prohibition

APPENDIX A – Procedures for BCHPA meetings

You are donating to : Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 CAD $25 CAD $50 CAD
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Additional Note