Bylaw 6. Branches

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The BCHPA may establish constituent parts to be known as branches.

a) Branches may be established to represent the interests of the BCHPA in certain geographical areas, or in areas of particular interest to BCHPA members.

b) Upon its application to the BCHPA executive, initial recognition of a branch may be granted. Once branch status is granted to a branch it shall remain a branch providing all the following requirements are met:

i) All branches of the BCHPA shall abide by the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules of Order of the BCHPA.

ii) Active membership in the BCHPA is a requirement for membership in a branch.

iii) Any active BCHPA member may join a branch or more than one branch.

iv) The membership year of each branch will be the same as the membership year of the BCHPA as established in Bylaw 4.

v) A branch may set a meeting attendance fee for persons who are not, or do not wish to become, BCHPA members but those persons shall not vote or hold office in the branch.

vi) Each branch shall have at least five members.

vii) Each branch shall have at least one meeting a year and it shall, if practicable, notify the secretary of the BCHPA of those dates for inclusion in upcoming issues of the BeeScene.

viii) Each branch shall elect branch directors/executive composed of a president, a vice-president or vice presidents, a secretary, a treasurer and (optionally) other directors decided by the branch. Should, for any reason, a branch wish to combine certain positions on its executive it may do so provided that its directors/executive shall be composed of at least three members.

ix) The branch executive shall be responsible for designating its signing officers, and the person or persons responsible for compiling and submitting the records required in Bylaw 6a (ix), (x), (xi), (xii) (xiii) and (xix). The financial records of the branch shall be reviewed by at least two branch directors other than the Treasurer before being submitted to the BCHPA.

x) When the branch conducts elections for its directors/executive it shall notify the secretary of the BCHPA names of the successful candidates within 30 days.

xi) Each branch shall maintain membership lists, financial records and minutes of its meetings.

xii) Each branch shall submit the branch’s list of directors and a statement that the branch meets the membership requirement, to the secretary of the BCHPA by March 31 of each year.

xiii) Minutes of the branch’s annual meeting and a copy of its financial statements shall be submitted to the secretary of the BCHPA by March 31 of the year following the end of their fiscal year.

xix) The financial year of each branch shall be the same as the BCHPA financial year.

c) Termination of branch status

a) Should a branch be unable to meet the requirements for branch status as established in Bylaw X (a), the BCHPA executive shall attempt to assist the branch to meet those requirements.

b) Should, after those efforts at assistance and a reasonable period of time, a branch still be unable to meet the requirements, the BCHPA executive shall recommend that the BCHPA AGM terminate the branch’s status as a constituent part of the BCHPA. Termination of a branch’s status shall require a motion requiring a majority vote at the BCHPA AGM. The presiding officer, if any, of the branch shall be invited to address the BCHPA AGM before the motion is considered.

c) The directors of a branch shall have full authority over the branch’s funds. Should a branch cease to exist, any residual funds shall be transferred to the treasurer of the BCHPA to be held in trust for a period of five years. Within that time period the BCHPA shall use those funds to create a new branch in the same or nearby geographical area, or the same or similar area of interest. Subject solely to the directions of a general meeting of the branch and this Constitution and Bylaws, the Directors of the branch shall have full authority over the branch’s funds.

d) Should a branch cease to exist, all its residual funds shall be transferred to the Treasurer of the BCHPA to be held in trust for a period of five (5) years. Within that time period the BCHPA shall use those funds to create a new branch in the same or nearby geographical area, or the same or similar area of interest.


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