Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation
The purpose of the BHW Foundation is to support education regarding honey bees and to support apiculture research. The BHW Foundation Constitution permits funding of an undergraduate course in apiculture, the provision a bursary or scholarship for either undergraduates in apiculture or graduates undertaking research in apiculture, or the funding of research projects in apiculture based within a College or University. Donations are tax-deductible and a receipt will be issued.
Please send your donation made out to Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation to:
Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation
c/o Amanda Goodman Lee
220 Placsko Road
Creston, BC V0B 1G8
The BHW Trust Fund (Foundation) was initiated in 1965 with a personal donation by John Corner, Provincial Apiarist. The names it bears honoured three members of the bee industry who were prominent at the time: Harvey Boone, an Okanagan orchardist, beekeeper and bee inspector; Percy Hodgson of New Westminster, an innovative manufacturer of beekeeping equipment who was committed to the industry; George Wilkinson of Victoria, a beekeeper and bee inspector.
In general terms, the purpose of the BHW Foundation is to support education regarding honeybees and to support apiculture research. The BHW Foundation Constitution permits funding of an undergraduate course in apiculture, the provision a bursary or scholarship for either undergraduates in apiculture or graduates undertaking research in apiculture, or the funding of research projects in apiculture based within a College or University. Also permitted is the funding of apiculture research by the B.C. Department of Agriculture, as well as other educational undertakings in beekeeping. With respect to the support of research, preference is given to projects that are part of a graduate student programme. Preference is given to applicants based in British Columbia but applications from elsewhere in Canada are accepted for consideration. The BHW Foundation’s Constitution outlines how monies may be disbursed and all applications will be considered according to its Constitution. The Foundation is managed according to its Bylaws by Trustees elected from the B.C. Honey Producers’ Association. Applications should be received by the secretary-treasurer in writing by February 1st and should include the following information: Name and title of the applicant and Curriculum vitae of the applicant. If applying for educational support, the name of the institution and the specific ways in which funds would be spent.If applying for research support, including the name of the research project and the way it applies to the practice of beekeeping. Please indicate if the research is part of a graduate student programme. A budget clearly indicating the intended disposition of a grant from the BHW Foundation must be included (e.g. the funding of personnel, the purchase of equipment, etc.)
Successful applicants shall report at the conclusion of the project with a comprehensive summary in writing to the Trustees outlining their educational experience or the results of their research. For work that is ongoing, a yearly update is expected. Publication in the B.C. Honey Producers’ “BeesCene” would satisfy these requirements as would publication in a scientific journal, with a copy provided to the Trustees.