Bylaw 9. Election of BCHPA Table Officers

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a) Elections for table officers shall be conducted at each BCHPA AGM.

The president, CHC Representative, and the treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years, and the first and second vice-presidents and the secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years.

When a vacancy occurs during a person’s term of office, the executive may fill the position on a temporary basis until the next BCHPA AGM.

At that BCHPA AGM a person may be elected to fill the unexpired portion of the vacant position.

b) Newly elected table officers take office at the conclusion of the BCHPA AGM at which they were elected.

The start of term of the CHC Representative will coincide with the AGM for the CHC. The election for the BCHPA CHC Representative shall take place at the BCHPA AGM.

c) With the exception of the secretary, the treasurer, and CHC Representative no table officer shall be elected for more than two full consecutive terms in the same position.

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