BC Bee Project Posters

BC Bee Project

The Bee BC Program provides up to $100,000 in funding over two years to support small scale regional/community-based projects to research, explore, field-test and share information about best management practices associated with bee health. The objective of the Bee BC Program is to enhance bee health throughout the province. Bee health is important, not only for the production of honey, but also for the contribution that bees make to the pollination of many crop species and to the wider environment. The program focuses on assisting regional or community-based organizations, beekeeping associations and/or beekeepers to contribute to the overall health of bees in the Province. Up to $5,000 per project is available through the Bee BC Program to assist with project costs.

The BCHPA received funding to support successful applicants to present their results in the form of scientific posters at our 2019 AGM & Conference in Prince George, October 4-6, 2019.  Below are links to the posters submitted for the exhibition.

Click to image to enlarge

Beehive Scale Weight and Temperature Monitoring:
Summer benefits and Feasibility 2019 – Kerry Clark

Bee Awareness – School Education Program 
LInda Martin – Bee Awarness Society



















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Thank you to the BC Ministry of Agriculture for their generous support of beekeeping and beekeepers through the BC Bee Program.

You are donating to : Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation

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