Except as provided herein only active members may vote at any BCHPA meeting. Where extraordinary resolutions are to be considered at a BCHPA Annual General Meeting each branch may authorize a member of that branch to exercise one extra proxy vote on the matter provided that the direction of the proxy vote is given by a general meeting of the branch. The direction of the proxy must come in the form of a letter from Branch Executive.
Except as provided herein and in accordance with the standing rules of order, each active member is entitled to vote on any matter at a business meeting of a BCHPA branch of which s/he is a member, and on any matter at any BCHPA business meeting
In the following paragraphs, “notice” shall include notice by post or by electronic means (email, etc).
Each active member is entitled to notice of any business meeting of the BCHPA branch of which s/he is a member, and of any BCHPA business meeting.
Each active member elected to a branch executive is entitled to notice of any such business meeting and to vote on any matter at those branch executive business meetings.
Each active member elected to the BCHPA executive is entitled to notice of any business meeting of the BCHPA executive and to vote on any matter at those executive business meetings.
Members who are not members of the executive may request to attend and speak at executive meetings. The attendance and speaking privileges of non-elected persons are at the discretion of each executive but voting privileges may only be extended to those who have been elected to that executive body.
Voting on extraordinary resolutions shall be limited to those persons who were members on the date that the notice of extraordinary resolution was given.