Day of the Honey Bee at BC Legislature – May 29, 2108
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Caution regarding use of Bayvarol to control Varroa.
Bayvarol is a relatively recent product in Canada to control Varroa. It uses the active ingredient flumethrin. Flumethrin is chemically similar to fluvalinate, the active ingredient in Apistan, which has been used for many years, and to which some Varroa developed resistance. Paul van Westendorp recently advised that some anomalies have recently been found in... Read More
Got Foulbrood?
The National Bee Diagnostic Center is collecting suspected foulbrood samples (EFB and AFB) to contribute to a Canada-wide study. But first, we need your help. The goals of this research are to 1) develop better foulbrood diagnostic techniques (especially for EFB), 2) better understand the factors contributing to active vs. benign infections, and 3) compare... Read More
BCHPA Marketing Survey
Dear BCHPA Member The B.C. Honey Producers Association (BCHPA) is working on a project to support local beekeepers in marketing their locally-produced B.C. honey. The goal is to produce a variation of a “buy local honey” logo that B.C. Beekeepers can use on their jars, as well as branded farm-gate and farmers’ market signage. At the... Read More
Kamloops 2018
Our upcoming event is just around the corner, March 9 & 10, and we want to encourage you to register in advance. We are excited to host Andony Melathopoulos from Oregon State University as our keynote speaker. We will keep him busy with three different talks throughout the day. If you have not heard Andony speak... Read More
January Deadline Reminders
We wanted to send you a few of reminders of January deadlines: • BC Wildfire Recovery Initiative – Application Deadline is January 31st – This is a reminder to BC Farmers affected by last summer’s wildfires. http://bcbeekeepers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Canada-BC-Wildfire-Recovery-Application-Deadline-Reminder.pdf • BCHPA Membership Renewal Due January 31st to qualify for Club Rebate. Renew now and your local club will... Read More
Membership Renew Time
Just a friendly reminder from Irene that your Annual Membership fees are now due. *** As an added incentive, if you renew your membership or purchase a new membership before midnight on Wednesday, January 31st. your local club will receive a $10 rebate for each one received. *** You can also purchase your personal beekeeping liability... Read More
Are blueberries damaging our colonies?
We invite you to participate in the BCHPA beekeeper survey The BCHPA research committee is trying to better understand a potential link between EFB-like symptoms and blueberry pollination. We are trying to gather information from beekeepers who pollinate any crop – not just blueberries. Maybe you don’t do pollination at all – we still want... Read More
Kamloops Semi-Annual AGM ~ March 9-10
We wanted to give you as much advanced information as we could about the upcoming Semi-Annual AGM and Education day in March. Unlike the fall meeting, we have just two days together, one day of business and one day of education. We will share a complete agenda once we have final commitments from speakers (there... Read More
Wishing You a Happy New Year
On behalf of the BCHPA Executive, I want to wish you all the best for 2018. This past year has been an eventful one and we look forward to another year of beekeeping adventures. A few items of note as we close 2017… • Thanks again for making the annual conference in Kelowna such a... Read More