BCHPA Marketing Survey
Dear BCHPA Member
The B.C. Honey Producers Association (BCHPA) is working on a project to support local beekeepers in marketing their locally-produced B.C. honey. The goal is to produce a variation of a “buy local honey” logo that B.C. Beekeepers can use on their jars, as well as branded farm-gate and farmers’ market signage.
At the BCHPA Semi-annual meeting in March 2017 and at the AGM the previous October (2016), members supported the efforts of a marketing committee made up of Judy Campbell, Amanda Goodman Lee and Gerry McKee. The committee was expanded at the Oct 2017 AGM to include Christina Rozema. The committee’s work is now at the stage where member input is essential in finalizing the design of the logo, taglines, and signage.
Under the proposed ‘Buy BC Honey’ program, people who produce their own honey from forage in B.C. would be able to brand or label their products with the BCHPA produced stickers. Since the goal is to assist direct honey producers, both small and large, the program is not available to honey packers who only purchase honey for resale.
This program will also capitalize on the marketing already being done through the B.C. Agriculture Council (BCAC) around other “buy local” programs developed for B.C. grown agricultural products. The ‘Buy BC Honey’ will help strengthen the already highly respected reputation of B.C.’s local honey producers, while at the same time reduce consumer confusion as to what constitutes “local”, “B.C.” or “Canadian” honey.
Your input matters. Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback.