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Are blueberries damaging our colonies?

We invite you to participate in the BCHPA beekeeper survey The BCHPA research committee is trying to better understand a potential link between EFB-like symptoms and blueberry pollination. We are trying to gather information from beekeepers who pollinate any crop – not just blueberries. Maybe you don’t do pollination at all – we still want to hear from you! If you manage 100 hives or more, we ask that you spare 10-15 minutes of your day and fill in the online survey.


Simply click on the Survey Link Here to get started.



Survey results will help us set up strategic research projects and make stronger arguments in grant applications to help address & solve this issue.
Thank you!
The BCHPA Research Committee.

You are donating to : Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation

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