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Updated: January 2025
FOR SALE: Available Spring 2025, 100 Colonies for sale. Complete hive includes single brood chamber with 9 frames, top and bottom board, $475 each. Doubles (2 brood chamber) $550 each. Also available are 4 frame nucs @ $290 each.
Valid Government Inspection Certificate included. Email Mark at
FOR SALE: 2006 GMC truck with an Isuzu diesel engine. Flat deck (13′ long X 8′ wide) plus cabinet and power tailgate. 2-door, 2WD. Approximately 237,000 km driven. Great Bee truck. GVW 13,385. Recent service. $18,000. Numerous other equipment: wax-dipped empty boxes. 400+ honey supers, comb mostly dark, 9 frames per super $25 ea. Approx 100 unassembled frames, 60 fume boards for liquid formic treatment, 300+ inner covers with double entrances, bee nets, 40 Shamrock queen rearing boxes (2 or 4-way), Ohaus gram scale 2610g capacity, Omano biological microscope, other miscellaneous equipment. Located near Vernon. For information and to view call 250-379 2567, Patricia Springborn.
FOR SALE: Commercial Beekeeping Business for sale. Hives, Supers, Honey Extractor, Forklift. Located in the Lower Mainland. Please Contact or 778-834-3637.
FOR HIRE: Need someone to unload your Semi? Move your bees? Operating in the Fraser Valley, BC. I come with a 12′ x 8′ Flatdeck Truck and Swinger Forklift. Call for Rates: 604 907-7245. Joel at DeliverBee Enterprises Ltd.
WILDWOOD QUEENS: West Coast raised Queens available March-Sept. Queens can be mailed through the postal service when needed. Great for the backyard beekeeper! Limited supply, order early. Pollination services are available for local farms. Contact Donna Moseanko, Powell River: or call 604-344-0622.