If you are a new BC Honey Producers’ Association member, then welcome to our community! If you are a returning member, then welcome back.
Here are a few things you need to know about memberships:
Annual Membership runs from January 1 to December 31.
Membership is open to all BC beekeepers but you must be a BC resident of BC to run for office or vote.
Membership benefits the hundreds of beekeepers in the province allowing us to work together in community and stay current on information on hive health, the state of the industry, and best practices. Your membership helps to fund programs, research, our membership in the Canadian Honey Council, our quarterly magazine, and semi-annual meetings. The BCHPA is a non-profit organization and is mainly supported through volunteer work.
Membership includes a one-year subscription to two quarterly publications: BeesCene Magazine, with up-to-date information, advertising opportunities, advance notification of workshops and events, and Hive Lights, the Canadian Honey Council publication. You do not need to subscribe, these will be mailed to you directly.
BCHPA is the representative of all beekeepers in BC
Regular communication with Provincial Apiarist and Minister of Agriculture regarding Bee Act and other issues impacting beekeepers.
Ongoing government and media relations
The BCHPA is a proud member of and provides financial support to the Canadian Honey Council, working on our behalf to advocate beekeeping at the federal level.
Insurance: The BCHPA offers a Liability Insurance Policy, the only one-of-its-kind available in the province. By pooling our membership, we can offer this comprehensive liability insurance as well as forest fire fighting expense endorsements for a fraction of what it would cost individuals on their own.
Members may attend the business/information days of the BCHPA Annual General Meeting and the semi-annual meeting in March without charge (meals not included).
Members receive discounted rates for our two annual conferences.
Educational Opportunites:
Symposiums and workshops to exchange ideas and experience plus comprehensive workshop publications;
Participation in national sustainability issues.
Training in specialty areas such as queen rearing and integrated pest management;
Website providing valuable links to programs, materials, technical papers, advertising, educational resources and marketing information;
Organized collaborations of beekeepers to prepare instructional materials for new beekeepers;
Annual conferences which include high calibre guest speakers of international acclaim;
Support for bee research through the Boone Hodgson Wilkinson Foundation and other projects.
Collaboration with Small Scale Food Processors on food safety issues;
Support for Pollinators, Bee Breeders and Growers.
If you are also a member of a Branch of the BCHPA, your club may be eligible for a membership rebate to support your local organization.
As a member, you have access to our Tech Transfer Program and the support it offers.
The BCHPA offers certification for instructors for Beginner Beekeeping.